October: a month of intensive events and networking
24 October, 2023 by
October: a month of intensive events and networking

In October, R3GIS participated in a series of high-profile events, actively contributing to the discussion on crucial issues related to urban planning, sustainability and smart city accessibility. These meetings provided an opportunity to share R3GIS' vision and to build ties with key partners and customers. Here is a closer look at the events we attended:

  • CityVision: R3GIS participated in several panels at CityVision, a leading conference on the future of smart cities. The event, which attracted the participation of 400 experts and innovators, focused on crucial issues such as urban planning, sustainability and accessibility. It was the ideal place to share R3GIS ideas and discover innovative solutions for urban challenges. In addition, we connected with the Italian Sustainable Municipalities Network, an important step towards promoting urban sustainability in Italy.

  • Pubblici Giardini Association Convention and Annual Meeting: Once again this year, R3GIS supported the Pubblici Giardini Association as a sponsor in their convention and annual meeting, an event that brought together 200 participants. This meeting was an opportunity to meet many of our customers, including the municipalities of Chivasso, Bolzano, Merano, Mantua and Rome, to name a few. During the meeting, the future of urban green spaces and the role of green infrastructure were discussed, emphasizing the importance of promoting sustainable green areas in cities. The event also announced the next meeting in Lecce the following year, which will certainly represent another key moment for R3GIS.

  • Hortis Congress in Nantes (FR): In parallel with the Pubblici Giardini Association Convention, R3GIS crossed national borders to attend the Hortis Congress in Nantes, France, organised by the equivalent French association. Here we presented our innovative products by networking with companies, start-ups and public administrations working on climate change adaptation in France. 

The participation of R3GIS in these events in October underlines our commitment to the promotion of more sustainable, accessible and smart cities, and our continued willingness to collaborate with key stakeholders to achieve these goals. We look forward to the future with enthusiasm, ready to continue innovating and driving change in the design and management of urban spaces.

October 24, 2023
Due to Public Holiday in Italy R3GIS is closed today.